Porting Reana Atlas Recast Demo to Parsl
As part of my work on project SCAILFIN I am exploring how we could express Parsl workflows as Reana reproducible research objects. Parsl is a parallel workflow system that is expressed as code. Dan Katz published an informative article describing the motivation behind this approach.
To learn more about parsl and to see how it would fit into the reana world, we decided that I should port one of the reana demos from yadage to parsl. I did this with the Atlas Recast Demo.
You can see the full example in the parslization
branch of
my fork of the demo
Basic Approach
The demo is implemented as two steps, each relying on a docker image based on the Atlas Standalone Analysis Image. This image provides many of the basic tools needed for working with events in ATLAS Root files.
The first step downloads a root file and extracts specific events into an output file. The second step uses the extracted events and produces some plots. These two steps are implemented in parsl as parameterized bash scripts running in the two docker containers.
For our purposes we will be running these two containers on a kubernetes cluster with parsl controlling them. The two steps interact through a shared persistent volume.
We tell parsl to orchestrate the two containers through the generated file. The first container starts, and the second container waits till the file is generated.
Parsl Control of Containers
Parsl interacts with Docker containers through an ipython
engine. For this to
work, the container must have python3 with the parsl package installed. This
proved to be the most vexing part of the whole project. The Atlas analysisbase
image is based on a Centos6 image which only has Python2.7 available.
The only way I could figure out how to get this environment installed in the image without breaking dependencies that some of the earlier steps in the Docker build rely on was to add a final step to Docker file that actually updates the development tools and builds python3 from source.
RUN yum update -y && \
yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y && \
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.8/Python-3.6.8.tgz && \
tar -xvf Python-3.6.8.tgz && \
cd Python-3.6.8 && \
./configure && \
make && \
make altinstall && \
/usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install cython && \
/usr/local/bin/pip3.6 install parsl
In my fork of the Atlas demo I updated the two Dockerfiles. I built them and deployed them to my DockerHub repo.
Creating Persistent Volume
The two steps interact with each other and publish their outputs using a persistent volume that is shared between them. For simplicity’s sake, I tested all of this out using minikube with a host-mounted volume.
To start with, I created a directory inside minikuibe’s VM by
minikube ssh
and then
sudo mkdir /mnt/data
Back on my own workstation I created the persistent volume as pv.yaml
kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
name: task-pv-volume
type: local
storageClassName: manual
storage: 10Gi
- ReadWriteMany
path: "/mnt/data"
and a presistent volume claim as pvc.yaml
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: task-pv-claim
storageClassName: manual
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 3Gi
Then created them in cluster with:
kubectl create -f pv.yaml
kubectl create -f pvc.yaml
We will need some files from the repo to be copied to this persistent volume.
One of the features of reana is that it handles the copying of data into the
cluster. Since I’m not using reana for this example, I launched a busybox pod
in the cluster with the volume mounted with
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: volume-debugger
- name: volume-to-debug
claimName: task-pv-claim
- name: debugger
image: busybox
command: ['sleep', '3600']
- mountPath: "/data"
name: volume-to-debug
I then created the pod and opened a shell:
kubectl create -f debug-pod.yaml
kubectl exec -it volume-debugger sh
Inside that volume-debugger I created a /data/code
directory and then from
my workstation I copied the python scripts from the atlas-recast repo into that
cd statanalysis
kubectl cp make_ws.py volume-debugger:/data/code/make_ws.py
kubectl cp plot.py volume-debugger:/data/code/plot.py
kubectl cp set_limit.py volume-debugger:/data/code/set_limit.py
kubectl cp data/background.root volume-debugger:/data/background.root
kubectl cp data/data.root volume-debugger:/data/data.root
I confirmed that everything was where I expected with the volume-debugger shell.
Configuring Parsl Executors for Kubernetes
Parsl runs the workflow steps using executors which are linked to specific
providers which run the code. We will be using the IPyParallelExecutor
the KubernetesProvider
. The provider’s configuration is where we specify the
docker image to use. It also allows for persistent volumes to be mounted into
the containers.
Here is the config object that I use:
config = Config(
persistent_volumes=[("task-pv-claim", "/data")]
This defines an Executor for each step along with the Docker image which implements the behavior. Each executor is given a name which is referenced in the parsl steps.
The Workflow
Now we get into the parsl workflow as code! There are two steps in our workflow
each are bash scripts that run on their Docker container. The key is the
@App('bash', executors=['stat_analysis'], cache=True)
Since the second step depends on a file produced by the first step, we set up
a data dependency. This is done by creating a parsl.File
handle to the
generated hist-sample.root file. When the first step is invoked, a future of
this file is made available. I made it an input data dependency to the second
This step in turn produces a data future for a .png plot that it produces. I run the workflow, by invoking both steps and then waiting for the final result data future to to resolve.
event_selection_future = event_selection("404958", "recast_sample", 0.00122,
stat_analysis_future = stat_analyis("/data/data.root", "/data/submitDir/hist-sample.root",
"/data/background.root", "/data/results",
# Check if the result file is ready
print ('Done: %s' % stat_analysis_future.outputs[0].done())
print('result is '+str(stat_analysis_future.outputs[0].result()))
This exercise was a great opportunity to learn more about parsl as well yadage and a chance to think a bit more about the features of reana. My first reaction is that I enjoyed parsl’s workflow as code model. I found it much easier to learn and read than yadage’s yaml model.
One disadvantage I found was that due to parsl’s reliance on iPython for execution it winds up being more invasive to the deployed Docker containers. The requirement for the parsl package and Python3 in the image came close to being a show stopper for the legacy code I was orchestrating.
The other thing I noted after running this demo under reana is just how convenient reana’s handling of file deployments is. They offer a command line tool where you can upload files into a volume the cluster which will be mounted into running containers. It completely handles the persistent volumes itself. Parsl has some great tools for copying files into some other environments. I smell a nice parsl pull request coming on to support transferring files in and out of a persistent volume in the cluster.
This work has been supported by the NSF and Project SCAILFIN