Until Reana 0.5.0 comes out, there is no way to clear out workflows. This becomes a bit of a mess during testing. Here is how to clear them out manually in the mean time:

From a node that has kubectl access to the cluster, find the pod running postgres and open up a shell:

kubectl get pod | grep ^db
kubectl exec -it <<<pod name>> bash

Inside the pod start up the postgres SQL command line:

psql --username $POSTGRES_USER --dbname $POSTGRES_DB

Finally truncate the workflow table:

truncate table workflow;

Now we need to delete the files associated with these workflows. Exit the database pod and now find the reana server pod and start a shell there:

kubectl get pod | grep ^serv
kubectl exec -it <server pod> bash

Go to the /reana/users directory, and under each user, clearn out the contents of the workflows directory

Exit the shell and verify that the workflows are gone with your reana-client:

reana-client workflows

Go forth and create new workflows!

This work has been supported by the NSF and Project SCAILFIN