With the many layers of virtualization, it’s easy to forget that docker images ultimately run on a real CPU with its own architecture and characteristics. This is usually not an issue, except when the code in the image makes assumptions about that CPU. The Tensorflow library makes use of whatever hardware acceleration is available. It is quite sensitive to the hardware the image is built on.

I discovered this when trying to deploy a colleague’s Tensorflow application on our OpenStack cluster. I was using the tensorflow/tensorflow Docker image. When I attempted to run it, it simply printed out the error:

Illegal instruction     (core dumped) python3 ./${MAIN_SCRIPT}

This is caused by the standard images being built to take advantage of the AVX2 instruction set. Since Tensorflow 1.6 the pre-built binaries assume the CPU supports those instructions.

This post describes how I compiled Tensorflow for the specific hardware backing our OpenStack and deployed my application via docker.

Build Tensorflow Locally

Tensorflow is a big and complicated system. Compiling it depends on a large number of dependencies and specialized build tools. Fortunately, the community has created a handy dockerized process to help with this build.

cd tensorflow/ubuntu-16.04/

# Build the Docker image
docker-compose build

# Set env variables
export TF_VERSION_GIT_TAG=v1.9.0
export USE_GPU=0

# Start the compilation
docker-compose run tf

# You can also do:
# docker-compose run tf bash
# bash build.sh
  • Wait, wait, and wait some more… It’s a very long build time!
  • The wheel file for your architecture is sitting in the repositories wheels/ folder

Create a Docker Image

As a final step, I created a Dockerfile based on a Python image which installs the Tensorflow wheel:

FROM python:3.5-stretch
COPY tensorflow-1.9.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl /
RUN  pip install /tensorflow-1.9.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
CMD ["python3"]